Wednesday, January 29, 2020
National Museum of the Philippines Essay Example for Free
National Museum of the Philippines Essay Located at Padre Burgos Street, Manila City, sat the two branches of The National Museum of the Philippinesthe National Gallery of Art and the Museum of the Filipino People, where we went first. As we enter the hallway that leads to the first floor exhibits, we were greeted by a native Nipa hut complete with things that our ancestors used in the past. That same floor also houses the San Diego wreck site though it is a restricted area. We then went up to the next floor where it features the coming of the Spaniard merchant vessels in our country, our contacts with the other countries in terms of trade and commerce, as well as the Linnaeus and the Linnaeans. At the third floor, there were three galleries: The Origin (Pinagmulan), where it presents information on the origin of the Philippines and its people. It retold the story of how the Filipinos lived during the four pre-historic periodPaleolithic; Neolithic; Metal; and Ceramic Age. The second gallery is the Filipinos Today (Kinahinatnan), which features the diversion of our culture because of the influences of different countries and how colorful and beautiful it is. The last gallery is the Archaeological Treasures (Kaban ng Lahi), that showcases the burial jar collection and the importance of burial practice. The last floor was divided into two galleries. First one is the Kisame: Visions of Earth on Heaven that exhibits tons of photographs of ceiling paintings from Bohol colonial churches. It obviously displayed the religiosity of the Filipinos. The last gallery is all about the Biodiversity Exhibit, which shows the various flora and fauna in the country. After a couple of hours in the Museum of the Filipino People, we headed to National Gallery of Art. Although it is under renovation, it still welcomed visitors for free! The first gallery is called â€Å"The Hall of Masters†as it features the works of 19th century Filipino painters, Juan Luna and Felix Hidalgo. The main attraction is the very famous Spolarium by Luna and opposite to it is Hidalgo’s â€Å"The Assasination of Governor Bustamante and his son†. As we move to the second floor, there is the fantastic Bones Exhibit. It displayed the skeletal remains of different animalsâ€â€from mammals (including that of a human) to reptiles, to crustaceans and birdsâ€â€that can be seen in the Philippines. At the center of the gallery is the humongous bone of a juvenile sperm whale. The last gallery on the third floor features the clothing of native Filipinos, and how it was made. REACTION: It was actually my first time to visit these museums and I was really glad that I already had the chance to. Although we spent almost five hours around the museum, I personally regret nothing. Every bit is worth the time. Seeing all those exhibits renewed my nationalistic heart and I’m more proud now to be a Filipino, realizing that we have tons of artistic countrymen and that there works are worthy of admirations. I’m also more aware now of our culture and how colorful it really is. I was really happy to see how our ancestors lived and how it evolved to our current lifestyle. I realized that why patronize foreign culture if you have your own that is way fun, right?
Monday, January 20, 2020
The early petroleum industry in the US :: essays research papers
The Early Petroleum Industry in the United States Ancient Egyptians used bitumen for embalming, the Assyrians used it in building, the Chinese for heating and lighting, and for centuries fishermen have used it to make their boats watertight. Naturally, man being what he is, was not content to let well alone, and soon petra- oleum (rock oil) and its associated products were being used in many delightful ways to cripple and annihilate his fellow men. The famous "Green Fire" was used in various forms for many centuries once it became known that when a mixture of petroleum and ground quicklime is exposed to moisture spontaneous combustion takes place. The flaming mixture thus produced was thrown by a pump mounted on the prow of a warship and the consequent havoc wrought on the enemy's ships can easily be imagined. Then oddly enough, the ancients knowledge of the properties of petroleum seemed to fall into abeyance and during the Middle Ages, and up to the beginning of the 19th century, petroleum was only remembered for its medicinal uses. It was to capitalize on this use that an American, Samuel Kier, decided to bottle the oil that seeped into his father's brine wells. He put it up in half pint bottles and advertised it as containing wonderful medical virtues. Another American George H. Bissell, saw his advertisement but was interested in oil for other reasons so, together with a friend, he leased 105 acres of farmland, near Titusville, Pennsylvania, paying $5,000 dollars for a 99 year lease. So in 1854 the first oil lease was granted. Having obtained the land, which he was fairly certain covered oil deposits, Bissell commissioned Edwin & Drake to drill a well for him. Drake did so and struck oil on August 27th, 1859. The first oil well had been sunk and a great industry had been born. Within a few months of the completion of the Drakwell, oil wells were being sunk all over the United States and within two years the country was exporting great quantities of oil. Simple distillation of seep and salt well oil was being carried out in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by Samuel Kier who built a one-barrel still. He was buying crude by the gallon. Later Kier made a still of five-barrel capacity. These two stills for treating crude oil constituted the first commercial refinery in America. The five-barrel apparatus of Kier has survived and is in the Drake Well Museum.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Principles of Conditioning
Needs and drives, what exactly are they and what do they have to do with dogs/dog training? A need or drive is a type of motivation that describes the behaviors dogs show during training. Needs can be something as obvious as water or food, all the way to behaviors that serve no clear physical need at all (ex play behavior). Dog training is all about arranging matters so the dog’s yearnings are met when they perform the desired action. Before any of this can take place you must ensure all of the dog’s primary needs are met. The dog needs to be in a healthy state, be happy, and have a good emotional connection to the trainer, also known as rapport. There are two types of drives, primary and secondary. Primary drives are the drives that are a necessity for ensuring your dog stays alive and healthy (i. e. thirst and hunger). If these drives are not met it can lead to injury or death. Secondary drives include all of the motivations that make a dog behave the way it does. They are not as necessary for the life and health of a dog, but are still very important. 1) Primary drives: ) Oxygen: i) Quite simply, the dog needs oxygen to survive. Many things your dog does increase the oxygen that they consume, which results in panting. Panting is also a way that your dog expels excess heat. Heavy panting can interfere with the sense of smell (olfactory). b) Thirst: ii) The need for water. It’s important to maintain your dog’s hydration level so it does not interfere with training. Also water cannot be u sed as a reward for the dog. c) Hunger: iii) Just like oxygen and water, food is also a very important part in keeping your dog happy and healthy. Though, unlike water food can be used as a reward, normally in the form of a treat. The dog should not eat if it has recently been doing intense physical activity, particularly in hot conditions. d) Drive to avoid pain and discomfort: iv) Dogs are a very intelligent species and learn very quickly, especially when there is a pain factor involved. They will avoid performing actions that they have learned cause them pain. Thus why handlers will inflict a type of discomfort when the dog disobeys or performs an action incorrectly. I. e. f you command the dog to sit but they ignore, or perform an incorrect action the handler will give a physical correction (command avoidance) that inflict pain upon the dog. In this process the dog is learning that if it does not sit like it has been taught it will be corrected (punished). Before you can use this type of training you must ensure that the dog knows the desired response. 2) Secondary drives: e) Socialization: v) This is basically the same as the dogs pack drive. One of the dog’s strongest drives is to have a social relationship with other dogs or humans. It needs to be a stable relationship in which the dog trusts or has affection for it’s companion. Though this is not an instantly created bond, it is extremely important for the handler to build rapport with the dog. Walking, feeding, grooming, or just playing with the dog for a period of time can build this relationship. Building rapport is very important to the successfulness of the team. Socialization is made up of two sub-types, alpha and beta. (1) Alpha is what the dog initially wants to be. It’s instinct for dogs to want to have supremacy or dominance in a relationship. 2) Beta is when the dog is submissive, and allows others to be in control and dominant. This is what you want your dog to be as a handler. This is because the dog will show willingness or motivation to please the handler by completing actions that the handler commands. f) Play socialization: vi) Play socialization does not clearly serve any important needs, but it is important to incorporate fun pl ay into the relationship between handler and dog. g) Prey drive: vii) This is the dog’s natural instinct to attack, bite, and carry anything the dog sees as prey. This can be another animal or object. What a dog would do to a rabbit, can be initiated by throwing a ball in most circumstances. This predatory instinct is very important in dog training, especially in controlled aggression. h) Aggression: viii) This includes any behaviors such as biting, growling, and fighting when used to compete with others for resources (food/water) or to protect them selves when felt threatened. Dominant, defensive, and pain-elicited aggression are all a vital role in motivating dogs in patrol training or rewarding them with a bite.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Proposal Speech Sample
It is crucially important to propose to a beloved one in an original and romantic way in order to make this significant moment unforgettable and unique. Therefore, the words the person says and the actions one takes ought to be thoroughly considered and properly prepared. A proposal speech sample is an example of how to ask for someone’s hand in marriage and to make this offer highly emotional and passionate. Nonetheless, a proposal speech sample does not have any formal requirements or a strictly defined structure, so everyone has an absolute freedom to choose what to tell and how. The moment I saw you for the very first time will be stuck into my memory till the end of the days because it was the evening when the course of my life radically changed its direction. I remember you joyfully dancing at the birthday party of my sister, and your smiling eyes grabbed my attention for the whole evening. I keep in the sanctuary of my heart every minute we shared because from the first moment I was totally overwhelmed by you. I was so proud to make you meet my family because I was certainly sure that they would love you. However, when I saw you playing with my niece, I understood that you are the one I want to share every day of my entire life with. I do not know how it had been possible to live without your support and cheerfulness, without listening to you singing and watching you dancing when you think nobody sees. I love dreaming with you because you understand me as nobody would ever understand. I love being ill if I know that you will be near and take care of me. You encourage me to get up every morning, to do great deeds for you, and to constantly become better. You are my inspiration, my motivation, and my desirous goal. You know like nobody what is a happiness and where it is hidden. We both want to have a colorful and memorable life, and together we can make our dreams come true. You are the perfect person to be: my friend my advisor my teacher my travel companion mother of my future children my wife I promise to do everything I only can to be a perfect match for you and to become a husband you deserve. I want to become your happily-ever-after, and I will do my best for your incredible smile to never fade. You are the greatest and the most precious gift given to me by this life, so I wish the whole world knew about my infinite and limitless love for you. I am looking forward to the day when my last name will become ours, and our love will give a birth to a new family. You are the one I want to be for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer. My voice is trembling, and my heart beats at a furious pace since I hope you will say me yes and make me the luckiest man on Earth. My heart, will you marry me?
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