Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Stranger and the Myth of Sisyphus Why That’s Absurd! Essay Example
The Stranger and the Myth of Sisyphus? Why That’s Absurd! Paper The Stranger and The Myth of Sisyphus? Why That’s Absurd! Prior to the mid-twentieth century, â€Å"tragedy†was an exceptional word saved, as Aristotle composed, just for people with great influence. Pioneer writing (led by Arthur Miller’s Tragedy and the Common Man), in any case, muddied the waters †delineating a wide range of kinds of individuals as shocking legends. Among the first of these alleged average citizen heartbreaking saints was Albert Camus’ Meursault. Like the traditionally disastrous Sisyphus in antiquated Greek folklore, Meursault experiences an emergency, is rebuffed in a crazy way (he is condemned to death not for slaughtering a man, however for being inadequately desolate after his mother’s passing) but then in the long run acknowledges his destiny. The Myth of Sisyphus, a philosophical article written in 1942 by Albert Camus depicts the preposterous and existentialist components of the exemplary Greek legend. In the legend, Sisyphus is rebuffed by the Gods; he is sentenced to roll a stone up a slope (until the weight overpowers him and the stone moves down the slope) for the entirety of time everlasting. We will compose a custom paper test on The Stranger and the Myth of Sisyphus? Why That’s Absurd! explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on The Stranger and the Myth of Sisyphus? Why That’s Absurd! explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on The Stranger and the Myth of Sisyphus? Why That’s Absurd! explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Inside his 120-page exposition, Camus thinks about Sisyphus’ amaranthine errand to the employments numerous advanced people have in manufacturing plants and workplaces. â€Å"The worker of today works each day in his life at similar undertakings, and this destiny is no less absurd,†Camus composes. â€Å"But it is heartbreaking just at the uncommon minutes when it becomes conscious†(Camus 77). This fascinating perspective on Camus has been copied on numerous occasions by different authors, and all things considered. He precisely pinpoints the preposterousness of the redundant present day life and expounds further on the idea of ludicrousness in existentialism (in the cited exposition just as various different works). Without a doubt, Camus trusts Sisyphus is preposterous (and terrible) due to his obvious lack of interest †his affirmation of the pointlessness of his errand and the acknowledgment of his destiny. Camus contemplates over what Sisyphus must think on his way down the slope (for the billionth or so time), and infers that his ludicrous acquiescence has rendered him content. â€Å"Happiness and ludicrous are two children of the equivalent earth,†Camus composes. â€Å"They are inseparable†(77). â€Å"One must envision Sisyphus happy,†Camus later explains (78). Correspondingly, Camus delineates Meursault as sensibly glad after he gets his sentence. Without a doubt, Meursault is calm sitting in his prison cell. As he intellectually sets himself up for execution, Meursault thinks, â€Å"As if that visually impaired fierceness had washed me clean, freed me of expectation; just because, in that night bursting at the seams with signs and stars, I opened myself to the delicate apathy of the world. Discovering it so much like myselfâ€so like a sibling, reallyâ€I felt cheerful and that I was glad again†(Camus 122/123). He acknowledges his destiny, however welcomes it as a sibling †wiped out; or rather, preposterously. All through the entire book, actually, Meursault appears to be alarmingly apathetic. Significantly after his better half Marie proposes to him, Meursault seems segregated and impassive. These features of The Stranger (which dumbfound numerous perusers) unquestionably add to the deplorability of the story. As per the guidelines of disaster in existentialism, both Sisyphus and Meursault experience silly emergencies. Therefore, both get terrible disciplines †disciplines that would cause the normal individual critical pressure. Indeed, even with their emergencies and discipline, be that as it may, both Sisyphus and Meursault acknowledge the low-number and off-suit cards they were managed, maybe in any event, taking them energetically. Both of their accounts are, as needs be, catastrophes (in the advanced sense if not as characterized by Aristotle). The Cabot Literary Glossary characterizes a grievous legend as â€Å"a character who encounters an internal battle as a result of a character imperfection; that battle closes in the annihilation of the hero†(â€Å"Cabot Literary Glossary†). Sisyphus and Meursault both have clear imperfections †Sisyphus disregards the Gods and Meursault executes the Arab †and both become aware of their disciplines. They are unquestionably awful saints as characterized both by Camus and existentialism all in all. Existentialism as a rule is a standard dependent on the way that individuals have through and through freedom and are eventually liable for their own decisions. Existentialism likewise inspects feelings and one’s substance versus one’s presence. It is further obvious that disaster fits into as well as is a fundamental piece of existentialism. Catastrophe manages the imperfections one has and the decisions one makes concerning the blemishes. Both Meursault and Sisyphus are brought somewhere around their blemishes, and both make the exceptionally evident (and maybe strange) decision to ignore the undeniable sentiments of gloom and, as it's been said, put on a glad face. This is key to both their substance and their reality. Indeed, even today, about seventy or so years after its finishing, Camus is generally viewed as one of the main existential journalists with respect to ridiculousness. This part of existential composing holds, fundamentally, that anything can transpire; basically, awful things can come to pass for good individuals. Or maybe, the preposterous world where we live can dive anybody into catastrophe. Camus’ signature character, Meursault is one of the untouched most noteworthy instances of a crazy and sad legend for his aloofness and character when all is said in done. Sisyphus too encountered a calamity and endured a correspondingly ridiculous destiny. Generally huge of all, both respond along these lines: with satisfaction. Works Cited â€Å"Cabot Literary Glossary. †cpsia. k12. ar. us. Web. Gotten to 21 Dec. 2010. cpscia. k12. ar. us/Curriculum/Parent%20Guides/Hyperlinked%20%20Cabot%20Parent% 20Guides/Glossary. doc. Camus, Albert. The Myth of Sisyphus, and Other Essays. New York: Vintage, 1955. On the web, PDF. Camus, Albert. The Stranger. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1988. Print.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The US legislative system Essay Example
The US authoritative framework Essay Example The US authoritative framework Essay The US authoritative framework Essay The US authoritative framework is a brilliant wellspring of breathtaking cases. It appears that no other state has had such huge numbers of unusual claims during the all history of administrative framework presence. One of the most known instances of present day times is Stella Liebeck versus McDonalds. It’s extraordinary however a straightforward lady figured out how to sue huge organization, win the case while most peers believed her case to be miserable. In this paper we will review the center of the case and how choice on it affected the US tort law.â                                                                                                                                      In February 1992, Mrs. Stell a Liebeck purchased some espresso at a drive-through window of a McDonalds in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She was not the driver of the vehicle and the espresso was spilled while the vehicle was left. That is, Ms. Liebecks grandson had pulled the vehicle to the control so that Liebeck could add cream and sugar to her espresso and the vehicle was fixed before she set some espresso between her knees and endeavored to expel the cover to include cream and sugar. As she lifted one side of the cover, the espresso spilled onto her lap. Promptly, the espresso was consumed by her running pants. Her dress constrained what was later figured out how to be â€Å"super-warmed coffee†against her skin.â â â ( McDonalds espresso Ms. Liebeck bought was served at a temperature of somewhere in the range of 180 and 190 degrees Fahrenheit. For home use, espresso is for the most part prepar ed at 135 to 140 degrees. Whenever spilled on skin, any drink warmed to somewhere in the range of 180 and 190 degrees will cause severely charred areas in two to seven seconds Ms. Liebecks wounds were serious. She endured full thickness consumes (severely charred areas) and singing to her inward thighs, crotch and bottom. A vascular specialist established that Liebeck endured full thickness consumes more than 6 percent of her body. She was in the clinic for eight days and needed to experience incredibly difficult methods to expel layers of dead skin, just as a few skin uniting and debridement medicines (the careful expulsion of tissue).Ms. Liebecks unique aim was to get legitimate assistance so as to be repaid for her clinical costs, which were said to have totaled almost $20,000. Be that as it may, McDonalds would not take care of her clinical tabs. This drove Ms. Liebeck to document an item risk suit.â â â â â ( case was considerd as a tor t one. Tort law is anything but difficult to portray at a general level and difficult to characterize all the more definitely. Tort originates from a Latin word significance bent or turned aside, so a tort is a demonstration that is diverted beside the standard of appropriate conducta unfair act. In the event that you punch your neighbor in the nose, run over a passerby by driving indiscreetly, or harm a client by serving copying hot espresso, you have submitted a tort. (A few torts include just monetary mischief and not physical injury, for example, dishonestly blaming somebody for being an evildoer or utilizing extortion to instigate them to go into a budgetary exchange.) All of these are unfair represents which the casualty can get an honor of cash harms. Tort law grants private people to start to lead the pack in executing its strategies. All torts cases are brought by private people or organizations, not by the administration going about as the examiner. (Once in a while the le gislature is involved with tort cases, however then it is in a similar situation as some other offended party or litigant.) The bureaucratic and state governments set up court frameworks to official debates, yet private gatherings drive the tort framework by their grievances and defenses.Thus, the tort framework doesn't require a children. Stella Liebeck and McDonalds, for instance, not the Food and Drug Administration or the Consumer Products Safety Commission, drive the discussion about how hot is unreasonably hot for espresso. Second, tort law is comprised of moderately broad guidelines, for example, a standard that a vehicle producer needs to make a vehicle so as to not contain an imperfection rendering it absurdly risky. This means fleshed out with regards to singular cases and can be fervently challenged, however it doesn't require the law to indicate ahead of time, in dreary detail, how a vehicle must be constructed and what security gadgets it must containThird, tort law int erfaces the prevention and remuneration arrangements to the target of decency by necessitating that the pay to the casualty originate from the transgressor. When a physical issue has happened, it appears to be correct that the transgressor ought to be rebuffed and the casualty ought to be redressed. There is a perfect balance to the instrument that achieves the two goals simultaneously. On the off chance that the miscreant is criminally indicted, the casualty despite everything bears her misfortune; if the casualty has her bills paid by protection, her misfortune is redressed yet the transgressor escapes without taking responsibility.During the preliminary procedure, McDonalds delivered records indicating in excess of 700 cases by individuals copied by its espresso somewhere in the range of 1982 and 1992. A few cases included severe singeing considerably like Liebecks. This history reported McDonalds information about the degree and nature of this danger. McDonalds likewise said dur ing revelation that, in light of an advisors counsel, it held its espresso at somewhere in the range of 180 and 190 degrees Fahrenheit to keep up ideal taste. McDonalds own quality affirmation chief affirmed that a copy risk exists with any food substance served at 140 degrees or above and that McDonalds espresso was not fit for utilization since it would copy the mouth and throat.The quality confirmation administrator further affirmed that the organization effectively upholds a prerequisite that espresso be held in the pot at 185 degrees, give or take five degrees. He likewise affirmed that while copies would happen, McDonalds had no expectation of lessening the holding temperature of its espresso. Offended parties master, a researcher in thermodynamics as applied to human skin consumes, affirmed that fluids at 180 degrees will cause a full thickness consume to human skin in two to seven seconds. Other declaration demonstrated that as the temperature diminishes toward 155 degrees, the degree of the consume comparative with that temperature diminishes exponentially. Accordingly, if Liebecks spill had included espresso at 155 degrees, the fluid would have cooled and given her an opportunity to stay away from a genuine consume. McDonalds likewise contended that purchasers realize espresso is hot and that its clients like it as such. The organization conceded its clients were ignorant that they could experience the ill effects of the espresso and that an announcement on the cup was not an admonition but rather an update since the area of the composing would not caution clients of the hazard.A jury granted Ms. Liebeck $200,000 in compensatory harms. This aggregate was diminished to $160,000 on the grounds that, properly, she was seen as incompletely liable for the episode. All the more essentially, the jury individuals wanted to rebuff McDonalds. The jury granted Ms. Liebeck $2.7 million in reformatory harms. This sum spoke to around two days of benefit for the ea tery network. It additionally spoke to the absolute most promoted part of this case. The preliminary court therefore decreased the reformatory honor to $480,000-or multiple times compensatory harms despite the fact that the adjudicator called McDonalds direct careless, unfeeling and hardheaded. Resulting to remittitur, the gatherings entered a post-decision settlement. Post-decision examination found that the temperature of espresso at the neighborhood Albuquerque McDonalds had dropped to 158 degrees Fahrenheit.â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â                                                         That was a slight portrayal of the case. One can have his own sentiment concerning the case however the jury choice can’t be changed.â â (a my brain the jury settled on right choice basing on the proper law. Tort law is desiganted to shield customer from corrupt maker. For our situation McDonald had all the earmarks of being indiscreet as it commonly before got claims in regards to the temperature of espresso. What's more, because of McDonald’s carelessness Ms. Liebeck consumed herself with too hot espresso. Simultaneously there is one point that puts forth this defense strange. Each and every individual who purchases espresso at McDonald’s realizes that espresso is hot, hot. This reality may have been the center of McDonald’s protection however it was dismissed by the amount of past cases and consciousness of the organization the board about such destructive facts.I must concede that the jury, in the wake of hearing the real factors and contentions showed McDonalds and different companies a thing or two: If you foolishly make or sell a risky item, you will be considered responsible. McDonalds endured considerable, however scarcely ridiculous, monetary discipline for its flighty practices. Mrs. Liebeck was made up for her wounds. What's more, people like me are more averse to get scorched. That’s precisely how our legitimate sys
Friday, August 21, 2020
College Paper Writing Services
College Paper Writing ServicesCollege paper writing services are a really beneficial choice for a student who needs to write his or her college application essays. In fact, the only way to get a job when you have your college application papers accepted is to first write a very good essay on the topics that your college essay writing service will choose. Here are some tips to help you.First, try and compose your essay in a way that your essay writing service will know that it has good students to choose from. This means that they will be looking for a certain skill that you can show them in your essay to determine whether or not they hire you or not.Second, use different colors of ink, but avoid using too much of a specific color. This means that you should use a bold font or an italic font to emphasize certain parts of your essay. Use more green ink for a statement that you want to emphasize than use more blue ink for a contrary statement. The latter may look more genuine but can be misleading if they are not read clearly.Third, use your letterhead and other paper items to make a distinction between your personal and official documents. This is to help the college essay writing service to determine whether or not you are serious or are someone who is playing games with your essays.Fourth, always make sure that you have a written outline for your college application essays before you begin writing your essays. Using an outline is one of the best ways to ensure that you have the right amount of space for your essays.Fifth, make sure that you test your readers by following several common college application essays. This makes it easier for you to practice your essay writing and gives you a sense of what readers might expect you to write.Sixth, take advantage of any free writing services that you find in college paper writing services. By taking advantage of this free service, you can have the benefit of writing to real people, while having a professional to proof read your essay at the same time.Finally, once you have your college application essays written, make sure that you provide yourself with feedback. Feedback should come from your college essay writing service, or even the college admission officers that will be reviewing your applications.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Introduction. Canine Diabetes Has Become A Common Health
Introduction Canine diabetes has become a common health concern in recent years, affecting twenty-two to forty percent of the canine population globally (German, 2006). Dogs diagnosed with diabetes are typically classified as insulin-resistant or insulin-deficient, these two categories are commonly referred to as type 1 diabetes. The difference between the two main types of canine diabetes is the body’s inability to respond to insulin, insulin-resistant, or the inability to produce insulin, insulin-deficient. Presently, there is no evidence of type 2 diabetes in the canine model (Short et al., 2009). Type 2 diabetes is the most common type to affect humans and is often a result of obesity. Type 2 DM can be managed through diet and avoid†¦show more content†¦Evidence uncovered by research focused on the genetic markers of diabetes mellitus shows different genetic markers depending on the breed of dog. Genetic markers are also influenced by the specific type of diabetes (Short et al ., 2009). That is to say a dog with insulin-deficient diabetes may have a different allele altered than a dog with insulin-resistant diabetes. There is some evidence that certain dogs could have a genetic trait which produces antibodies to the naturally occurring b-cells. When this occurs, the body’s white blood cells are destroying the b-cells or the insulin that binds to the b-cells preventing the uptake of insulin (Rand et al., 2004). According to collected data from numerous studies, some breeds are considered to be at-risk for diabetes (Catchpole et al., 2005, German, 2006, Short et al., 2009, Rand et al., 2004). This corresponds with the information gathered concerning genetic predisposition for diabetes; it is logical for a particular breed with a particular affected allele would have a higher prevalence of diabetes than those breeds in which a genetic marker for diabetes is not present. The breeds most likely to develop diabetes are: Cairn Terriers and Samoyeds are the most likely breeds to develop diabetes. Miniature Poodles, Collies, King Charles Cocker Spaniels, and Schnauzers are at a slightly elevated risk. Labradors, German Shepard’s, and mixed breeds do notShow MoreRelatedCats: Domestic Cat11027 Words  | 45 Pagesdomesticated carnivorous mammal. It is valued by humans for its companionship and its ability to destroy vermin. A skilled predator, the cat is known to hunt over 1,000 species for food. Intelligent, the cat can be trained to obey simple commands, and has been known to teach itself to manipulate simple mechanisms (see cat intelligence). The trinomial name of the domestic cat is Felis silvestris catus. Its closest pre-domesticated ancestor is believed to be the African wild cat, Felis silvestris lybicaRead MoreDieting Makes People Fat Essay19490 Words  | 78 Pages WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DOLL? For me, my favorite doll is stitch. Stitch,aka experiment 626, is one mischievous alien!. Thankfully, he has Lilo around to calm him down. Maybe someday hell know the different between good or bad.I really love him . Lilo amp; Stitch is a 2002 American animated science fiction/family film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released on June 21, 2002. Kullasatree 010 3EN WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? I love to drink strawberry yogurt smoothie about 2-3Read MoreAustralian Beverages Limited13348 Words  | 54 PagesExam case Australian Beverages Limited Pre-seen information Semester 1 2010 Australian Beverages Limited  Pre-seen information A. Introduction to Australian Beverages Limited  March 2010 Australian Beverages Limited (ABL) commenced soft drink manufacturing in 1937. During the 1970s and 1980s, the company expanded its beverage portfolio by entering into other non-alcoholic beverage categories, such as fruit and milk-based drinks. Entry into the snack food market was recently undertaken inRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words  | 1422 PagesIntroduction to Statistics and Data Analysis This page intentionally left blank Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis Third Edition Roxy Peck California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Chris Olsen George Washington High School, Cedar Rapids, IA Jay Devore California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Australia †¢ Brazil †¢ Canada †¢ Mexico †¢ Singapore †¢ Spain †¢ United Kingdom †¢ United States Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, Third
Friday, May 15, 2020
How to Separate Salt and Sand †3 Methods
One practical application of chemistry is that it can be used to help separate one substance from another. The reasons materials may be separated from each other is because there is some difference between them, such as size (separating rocks from sand), state of matter (separating water from ice), solubility, electrical charge, or melting point. Separating Sand and Salt Students are often asked to separate salt and sand to learn about mixtures and to explore the differences between forms of matter that can be used to separate mixture components.Three methods used to separate salt and sand are physical separation (picking out pieces or using density to shake sand to the top), dissolving the salt in water, or melting the salt.Probably the easiest method to separate the two substances is to dissolve salt in water, pour the liquid away from the sand, and then evaporate the water to recover the salt. Physical Separation of Salt and Sand Since both salt and sand are solids, you could get a magnifying glass and tweezers and eventually pick out particles of salt and sand. Another physical separation method is based on the different densities of salt and sand. The density of salt is 2.16 g/cm ³ while the density of sand is 2.65 g/cm ³. In other words, sand is slightly heavier than salt. If you shake a pan of salt and sand, the sand will eventually rise to the top. A similar method is used to pan for gold, since gold has a higher density than most other substances and sinks in a mixture. Separating Salt and Sand Using Solubility One method of separating salt and sand is based on solubility. If a substance is soluble, it means it dissolves in a solvent. Salt (sodium chloride or NaCl) is an ionic compound that is soluble in water. Sand (mostly silicon dioxide) is not. Pour the salt and sand mixture into a pan.Add water. You dont need to add a lot of water. Solubility is a property that is affected by temperature, so more salt dissolves in hot water than cold water. Its okay if the salt doesnt dissolve at this point.Heat the water until the salt dissolves. If you get to where the water is boiling and there is still solid salt, you can add a bit more water.Remove the pan from heat and allow it to cool until its safe to handle.Pour the salt water into a separate container.Now collect the sand.Pour the salt water back into the empty pan.Heat the salt water until the water boils. Continue boiling it until the water is gone and youre left with the salt. Another way you can separate the salt water and sand is to stir up the sand/salt water and pour it through a coffee filter to capture the sand. Separating Mixture Components Using Melting Point Another method to separate components of a mixture is based on melting point. The melting point of salt is 1474 °F (801 °C), while that of sand is 3110 °F (1710 °C). Salt becomes molten at a lower temperature than sand. To separate the components, a mixture of salt and sand is heated above 801 °C, yet below 1710 °C. The molten salt may be poured off, leaving the sand. Usually, this is not the most practical method of separation because both temperatures are very high. While the collected salt would be pure, some liquid salt would contaminate the sand, like trying to separate sand from water by pouring off water. Notes and Questions Note, you could have simply let the water evaporate from the pan until you were left with the salt. If you had chosen to evaporate the water, one way you could have sped up the process would have been to pour the salt water into a large, shallow container. The increased surface area would have exchanged the rate at which water vapor could have entered air. The salt did not boil away with the water. This is because the boiling point of salt is much higher than that of water. The difference between boiling points can be used to purify water via distillation. In distillation, the water is boiled, but is then cooled so it will condense from vapor back into water and can be collected. Boiling water separates it from salt and other compounds, like sugar, but it has to be carefully controlled to separate it from chemicals that have lower or similar boiling points. While this technique can be used to separate salt and water or sugar and water, it would not separate the salt and sugar from a mixture of salt, sugar, and water. Can you think of a way to separate sugar and salt? Ready for something more challenging? Try purifying salt from rock salt.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide - 1102 Words
Throughout the 1600s to the mid 1990s, the Tutsi tribe in Rwanda, and the Hutu tribe of Rwanda have always been arch enemies. Although the Hutus have had a prolonged hate for the Tutsi tribe, this hate was not physically expressed, until 1994. From April to July of 1994, over 80,000 Tutsi people were murdered and tortured for their African heritage. The Rwanda genocide is considered to be one of the worst massacres the world has ever seen since the Holocaust. This paper will touch a few things that occurred after the massacre, and will also answer the questions of why this massacre started, what occurred during this genocide. The Rwandan genocide was a massacre based off of discrimination and hatred for a specific tribal group. This†¦show more content†¦Over 300,000 Tutsis were forced to leave Rwanda and never return. In 1961 the Hutus wanted more of the Tutsi population gone. In an effort to show their strength and domination over the Tutsis, the Hutus pushed the Rwandan r uler, who was a Tutsi, into exile and forced him to declare Rwanda as a Republic. In 1962, a year after this declaration was made Belgium finally gave Rwanda its independence. After this, the Hutu people stopped harming and forcing Tutsi citizens or officials into doing what they wanted them to do, until 1994. IV. Now that Rwanda had independence, the Tutsis began to take over and have important roles in the Rwandan society, because they were the most educated and organized tribal group in Rwanda. Since important roles in government were automatically given to Tutsis, because they were strongest and most educated tribal group, jealousy and distinctive hatred began to develop in the Hutus, against the Tutsis. V. Right before the genocide, Habyarimana, the president of Rwanda, signed a treaty with Arusha, Tanzania which allowed a sharing in power. This new power agreement made by a Tutsi president angered the Hutus, because it took away the little power they had. After this treaty was made known to the public, the major Rwanda genocide actually began. †¨ VI. The first murder that started this genocide was the assassination of Habyarimana. This murder was a signal to the government inShow MoreRelatedThe Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide Essay1711 Words  | 7 PagesThe Rwandan Genocide took place in 1994 and involved members of the Hutu mass killing Tutsi and Tutsi sympathizers who were Hutu. The genocide resulted in the deaths of around 800,000 people, majority Tutsi. The separation of classes came from Belgian internationals creating the two ethnic classes and giving power to the Tutsi who were taller and had lighter skin, and generally appeared more European. In response to this, after the country gained independence from Belgium, Hutu extremists gatheredRead MoreThe Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide1654 Words  | 7 PagesMiranda Shearer Mrs. Sohal/ Mrs. Love Period 3 17 October 2014 The Rwandan Genocide A genocide is defined as the deliberate killing of a group of people, especially of a certain ethnicity. By that definition and almost any other a dictionary could define, the killing of the Tutsis was certainly a genocide.The Rwandan Genocide occurred in 1994, in an African country called Rwanda. A long history of building friction between the Hutus and the Tutsis undeniably caused the mass murder of over 800,000Read MoreThe Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide1421 Words  | 6 PagesThe Rwanda Genocide was an unfortunate case where thousands of deaths could have been prevented, but because of irresponsibility and selfishness of global governments’ innocent lives were lost. The Genocide began on April 6, 1994 and was, â€Å"initiated by the Hutu political elite and extremists and its military support, their prime targets were the Tutsi, as well as Hutu moderates.†(Hain 2) The Hutu made up majority of the population and government officials and enforced a government-ass isted militaryRead MoreThe Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide866 Words  | 4 PagesThe Rwandan genocide occurred during the period of April to July of 1994. This genocide was as a result of the Hutu ethnic majority slaughtering the Tutsi minority. During this period as much as 800,000 Tutsis were killed. The genocide was started by Hutu extremists in the capital of Kigali and the genocide soon spread across the country. Despite all of this there were several survivors of the genocide. Immaculee Ilibagiza is one of those people. Immaculee Ilibagiza was born in 1972. She is theRead MoreThe Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide2458 Words  | 10 PagesGenocide has been plaguing the world for hundreds of years. Millions of innocent lives have been taken all for the sake of prejudice. One of the most atrocious aspects of genocide is that a large percentage of them are sponsored by the state in which they are taking place. Over the years scholars have studied just what motivates a state to engage in such awful behavior. What motivates them? Why would they do such horrendous things to their own citizens? Is it solely for some economic incentive, orRead MoreThe Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide Essay2042 Words  | 9 Pagespeople that commit genocide; we are all capable of it. It’s our evolutionary history†(James Lovelock). According to the Oxford dictionary, genocide is defined as â€Å"the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.†Although it may be hard to believe, genocides have occurred all over the world and all throughout time. There have been well documented genocides such as the Holocaust. Additionally, there have also been genocides that have barelyRead MoreThe Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide1637 Words  | 7 PagesWith over eight hundred thousand to one million deaths, the Rwandan genocide is undoubtedly one of the most sad and shocking examples of the lack of intervention by not only the US and the UN, but by other countries as well. The ongoing tensions between the Hutu, the largest population in Rwanda, and the Tutsi, the smaller and more elite population is what eventually lead to the Rwandan genocide. The killings began quickly after President Habyarimana s plane was shot down. After hundreds of thousandsRead MoreThe Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide882 Words  | 4 PagesThe Rwandan Genocide was one of the most horrific acts of genocide since the Holocaust during World War II. Las ting only one hundred days it claimed the lives of over 800,000 people and had lasting effects on global civilization to this day. Even though the world had been consumed by many travesties before, the Rwandan Genocide exposed that violent human injustices on a grand scale could still happen regardless of the advancements made within â€Å"global society†. Decades of internal conflict withinRead MoreThe Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide1382 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"When you start to see another human being as less than you, it s a danger.†-Immaculee Ilibagiza. In 1994, a mass genocide broke out in Rwanda, a small country in Africa. The genocide occurred between the two ethnic groups where the Hutus were targeting the tutsis. The Rwandan genocide, ranking in the top five largest genocides in the world, was caused because of the resentment the hutus had towards the tutsis and was even more instigated by media and outsiders causing differences between the twoRead Mo reThe Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide1393 Words  | 6 PagesThe Rwandan Genocide was one of the most violent genocides in the history of the world and was intricately planned and implemented by the ethnic group called the Hutu in an attempt to eliminate another, the Tutsis. Though the genocide lasted only one hundred days, the number of deaths is estimated to be approximately 800,000. In the wake of the genocide, mass chaos plagued the country of Rwanda, deepening the divide between the groups Hutu and Tutsi. Although it can be said the genocide was caused
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Overcoming Asymmetric Power Relations †
Question: Discuss about the Overcoming Asymmetric Power Relations. Answer: Introduction Human Resource Management is considered to be an essential part of the business process. If the recruitment and selection of a business goes well then there exists high chances of organizational success. According to Cascio (2018), the recruiters often tend to have a dominating nature in the process of recruitment as well as selection. Due to the poor condition of the economy, the employees often succumb to this pressure and do whatever is asked out of them. The primary aim of the given report is to develop certain recommendations with respect to the overcoming of the asymmetrical power relationship between the recruiter and the candidate. Recommendations to overcome the Asymmetrical Power Relationship between the recruiter and the candidate According to Bratton and Gold (2017), the power relationships during the recruitment and selection process are quite different. The recruitment procedure tends cost less whereas the applicant dominates the recruitment and the recruiter dominates the selection process. Given in this section are four recommendations to overcome these asymmetric power relations: The recruiters should be developing specific selection criteria so as to make the process of hiring easier Selection criterias lay a major role in the process of recruitment and selection. Selection Criterias can be defined as a specific set of requirements that the candidate is require to fulfill in order to be selected for a particular job (Jackson, Schuler and Jiang 2014). The competency based selection helps the recruiter in ht process of recruitment as it becomes simple for the recruiter to just employ and go forward with those employees who have the relevant skills which are required for the job. Very often the recruiters do not state down any relevant skills or set criteria in a job requirement and during the last interview they state down their selection criteria which lead to loss of time and energy from the side of the candidate. In such a condition, the power of the recruiter is very high and the candidates very often have to succumb under the pressure of the given employees (Gatewood, Field and Barrick 2015). The setting down of well defined selection criteria has several othe r long term benefits as well like: Reduction in turnover- Setting a well defined selection criterias helps in hiring of the workers who tend to be suitable for the job. This goes a long way in reducing the turnover rate of the organization. Diverse workforce- Selection criterias vary from department to department and helps the organization to foster a work environment which consists of all kinds of people. Reduction in costs- The recruitment and selection process is a very complicated and expensive one. The candidates often need to be paid for the process and if at the end their capabilities differ from the selection criteria then it is wastage of time for both the recruiter and the applicant. Improves the Quality of the workforce- If all the people who are hired on the basis of the selection criteria are actually employed, the organization shall have a better work force for the company (Stone and Stone 2013). These competencies can be formed by: Planning Management indulgence Example of Selection Criteria Knowledge of Microsoft Office Tools Excellent communication skills The recruiters should set up the process of a vigorous application form which should be very detailed The procedure of recruitment is extremely lengthy. The recruitment wants to gain full knowledge about a candidate and for this purpose; he or she very often conducts a detailed interviews to understand the background and job aspirations of the employee. It is suggested that instead of doing so; the employer can form a comprehensive and detailed application form in order to gather information and background of the given candidate (Snell, Morris and Bohlander 2015). The application form can be attached with the certificates of the employees and d this can help the organization to select and screen the candidates before hand before inviting them for the rigorous interview process. The data which can be gathered in the application form are as follows: Personal details Education Employment history Activities and interests References Reasons for applying Competency questions As observed from the first recommendation, the application forms should also comprise of the selection criteria for the post and ask for relevant responses from the candidates. They will be required to given in detailed answers with real life experiences as a response (Newsome et al. 2015). This will solve the requirement of the extra interviews and the candidate can just proceed for a competency test and final interview. This saves a huge amount of cost ranging from facilities for the candidates to salaries of the interview panel. This shall help in cutting costs which will help in improving the asymmetric distribution of power. The new concept of video resume can be used in order to innovative the recruitment and selection process Resumes can be defined as a formal document which consists of the skills and capabilities of a candidate who is applying for a particular job. The resume consists of the following contents: Career Objectives of the employee Educational Background Employment and work history (Renwick, Redman and Maguire 2013). Other related experiences Skills and achievements Awards received Projects completed Interests and Hobbies Memberships or Professional Organizations Personal background References This list of information tends to provide a detailed synopsis of the life of the candidate applied for the job. They tend to serve as an introduction and resume screening forms and effective part of job aspect (Nickson 2013). However, lately the process of resume screening has become a rather rigorous process and is quite time consuming as well. Secondly there exist two other issues with the traditional style of resumes as follows: Not all information given in the given resume is always true. The candidate can give false details regarding the criteria and experience so as to impress the interview panel. Secondly, there are various professional resume makers available who can be hired to make the given resume so as to make it look good and attractive. Hence, the recommendations state that the given resume style should be changed and the concept of a vide resume should be introduced in order to figure out how the candidate is in real. The video resume will comprise of a similar format where the candidates will give details of all the relevant components of the interview (Brewster et al. 2016). The only difference is that it will be in a video component and the candidates will speak for themselves. This way the interview panel will be able to understand the communications skills of the candidates along with their confidence level. From the candidates point of view, they can apply into two or three similar jobs in a similar industry in order to eliminate the cost of a job. During the asymmetric power relation in the recruitment and selection procedure of a job hire there exist a dominating power of the recruiter with respect to the candidate. To overcome the given situation, it is suggested that the candidate should not just rely on one company and put in his or her entire effort in that one particular aspect of the job. Instead the candidate should see to it and invest his time in similar job profiles in different companies in a similar industry or a different one (Ben-Ari and Enosh 2013). In such a scenario, the candidate would be having a variety of options at his disposal and then he can balance out his opportunities at the various enterprises. There exists a high probability that the candidate may be able to crack one of the interviews. If he is able to do so then, he will be able to overcome the cost of the time he wasted in the job interview in the given company. In this manner, he would not have wasted his time in the particular interview procedure for too long and he also would get a job in return of his efforts which would then raise his position in the in the asymmetric power relation and he would not be required to succumb to pressure in such a scenario (Thompson, Parker and Cox 2015). If he has various opportunities at his disposal then it would be easy for him to stand on his ground and not take up a job which is not suitable for his post or indulge in an activity which is unethical. The power of the recruiters arises when they understand that the employees do not have any other option as to their employment. On the other hand, the employees themselves feel succumbed under pressure and they often accept any job which is not at par with their qualifications. Hence, if they have other opportunities along side they can balance the power relations with the recruiters. Conclusion Therefore from the above it can be stated that there exists a high degree of asymmetric power relations between the recruiters and the candidates because of criterias like lack of jobs and peer pressure. The assignment states certain ways in which these can be removed and the power can be balanced properly. References Ben-Ari, A. and Enosh, G., 2013. Power relations and reciprocity: Dialectics of knowledge construction.Qualitative Health Research,23(3), pp.422-429. Bratton, J. and Gold, J. ,2017.Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave. Brewster, C., Houldsworth, E., Sparrow, P. and Vernon, G., 2016.International human resource management. Kogan Page Publishers. Cascio, W., 2018.Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill Education. Gatewood, R., Feild, H. S. and Barrick, M. ,2015.Human resource selection. Nelson Education. Jackson, S.E., Schuler, R.S. and Jiang, K., 2014. An aspirational framework for strategic human resource management.The Academy of Management Annals,8(1), pp.1-56. Newsome, K., Taylor, P., Bair, J. and Rainnie, A. eds., 2015.Putting labour in its place: labour process analysis and global value chains. Palgrave. Nickson, D., 2013.Human resource management for hospitality, tourism and events. Routledge. Renwick, D.W., Redman, T. and Maguire, S., 2013. Green human resource management: A review and research agenda.International Journal of Management Reviews,15(1), pp.1-14. Snell, S.A., Morris, S. and Bohlander, G.W., 2015.Managing human resources. Nelson Education. Stone, R.J. and Stone, R.J., 2013.Managing human resources. John Wiley and Sons. Thompson, P., Parker, R. and Cox, S., 2015. Labour and asymmetric power relations in global value chains: The digital entertainment industries and beyond.Putting labour in its place: labour process analysis and global value chains, pp.45-63.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Ashleigh Fedderman Essays - Banking, Bank Teller, Office Work
Ashleigh Fedderman District Manager 8 banks5 Pueblo 3 Cannon City Don't have sales force managers but do employ branch managers Target groups Advertising never talks about a product -the reason for that they are a relationship bank Google vision and valuesvision we want customers to achieve financially asking the right questions like right now or six years from now Training for managers Extensive 5 weeks longvirtual and in Denver and North Glenn to really understand the best way to boost their team numbers and best way to serve their customers and how to tie it all together not sells but team member retention Creative customer relationships and retain it Asking the right questions we have to know what the top priority is like asking what your financial priority is they have certain categories like buying a home, home financing, need or build credit, debit consolidation, savings, retirement, maturity, etc. try to focus on the top two in every business example savingswhat are you currently saving, are you comfortable with it, do you want to save more what's the timeline for the goal you have in mindits asking the right questions and building trust, showing them that you care -its how they recommend products. Customer feedback Randomly surveyed they don't know who gets the survey it's a random email survey the bank ranks it really high its based on a scale 1-5 and they goal to achieve 5 on all the categories they ask them Difference between tellers and loan officers Credit unions have new account offices and loan officers, their mangers do all of that they open accounts, do loans, retirement, etc. Tellers are responsible for cash handling, identifying opportunities that bankers can help with. Customers that come in everyday they know them by name and they strive to know customers by name Apps Wells Fargotake picture of check for deposit, account alert -if your account gets below a certain amount it will send you text, a budgeting tool to let you see where they spend the majority of their money Promotion within The harder they work they are rewarded and move up, a degree is not needed but preferred Travel Extensive
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Absolute Beginner Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
Absolute Beginner Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Your learners have now learned some basic vocabulary, simple positive and negative statements with to be, as well as questions. Now you can introduce the possessive adjectives my, your, his, and her. It is best to stay away from its at this point. You can work on getting students to know each other by using their names for this exercise, before going on to objects. Teacher: (Model a question to yourself changing places in the room, or changing your voice to indicate that you are modeling. ) Is your name Ken? Yes, my name is Ken. (stress your and my - repeat a few times) Teacher: Is your name Ken? (ask a student) Student(s): No, my name is Paolo. Continue this exercise around the room with each of the students. If a student makes a mistake, touch your ear to signal that the student should listen and then repeat his/her answer accenting what the student should have said. Part II: Expand to Include 'His' and 'Her' Teacher: (Model a question to yourself changing places in the room, or changing your voice to indicate that you are modeling. ) Is her name Jennifer? No, her name isnt Jennifer. Her name is Gertrude. Teacher: (Model a question to yourself changing places in the room, or changing your voice to indicate that you are modeling. ) Is his name John? No, his name isnt John. His name is Mark. (Make sure to accent the differences between her and his) Teacher: Is his name Gregory? (ask a student) Student(s): Yes, his name is Gregory. OR No, his name isnt Gregory. His name is Peter. Continue this exercise around the room with each of the students. If a student makes a mistake, touch your ear to signal that the student should listen and then repeat his/her answer accenting what the student should have said. Part III: Having Students Ask Questions Teacher: Is her name Maria? (ask a student) Teacher: Paolo, ask John a question. (Point from one student to the next indicating that he / she should ask a question thereby introducing the new teacher request ask a question, in the future you should then use this form instead of pointing to move away from the visual to the aural.) Student 1: Is his name Jack? Student 2: Yes, his name is Jack. OR No, his name isnt Jack. His name is Peter. Continue this exercise around the room with each of the students. Part IV: Possessive Pronouns Its a good idea to teach possessive pronouns together with possessive adjectives. Teacher: Is that book yours? (ask yourself to model) Teacher: Yes, that book is mine. (Make sure to accent yours and mine) Alessandro ask Jennifer about her pencil. Student 1: Is that pencil yours? Student 2: Yes, that pencil is mine. Continue this exercise around the room with each of the students. Move on to his and hers in the same manner. Once completed, begin to mix the two forms together. First alternating between my and mine and then alternating between other forms. This exercise should be repeated a number of times. Teacher: (holding up a book) This is my book. The book is mine. Write the two sentences on the board. Ask students to repeat the two sentences with various objects they have. Once finished with my and mine continue with your and yours, his and hers. Teacher: That is your computer. The computer is yours. etc.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Community Organizing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Community Organizing - Assignment Example Next, with the help of local leaders, the organizer mobilizes the public and creates awareness on the issue at hand. Once society members are full participants, social planning and social action follow (McKenzie, Neiger & Thackeray, 2012). This involves coming up with the means to carry out a project and the actual process of implementing the project. Evaluation follows to study the success of the action and make adjustments if necessary. In this step, accomplishments get acknowledgement and lessons on how to improve future mobilizations noted. The community organizations get formalization after engaging in social action. Once this happens, the last step occurs. It involves the organizer leaving and the people taking over entirely. Community organization is an empowering process and, therefore, an organizer needs to leave once to let the empowered people carry on from there. In building community support for a health intervention, the social action step is the most crucial. This is because it involves the actual implementation of the project meant to improve health systems in a society. Social action is an act of power that proves indeed social organization and empowerment
Friday, February 7, 2020
The Impact Of Employee Motivation On Organisational Performance (UK) Dissertation
The Impact Of Employee Motivation On Organisational Performance (UK) - Dissertation Example Different sampling techniques were used for both studies, which seemed best suited for the situation and type of study considering time and other limiting factors. Eleven dimensions were derived out of the semi–structured interviews and questions in the survey were based on these dimensions. Data obtained from questionnaires, on Likert scale from 1-5, was assessed by calculating summated scores and cumulative percentages of each dimension and total cumulative scores. In order to identify the core concern areas, Pareto analysis was performed. Three main dimensions captured more than 75% of dissatisfaction among employees. Analysis of scores obtained for each dimension reveals the significance of organisational procedures, practices and policies on employee motivation. Recommendations are proposed based on these findings, which can be practically implemented. Conclusions are drawn based on all findings and gaps that emerged during the research study have been proposed for future research. The cumulative scores from this research indicate average satisfaction among employees, which are comparable with average performance recorded by company. Table of Contents Chapter 1--An Overview 5 1.1 Introduction 5 1.2 Introduction to this research: a general impression 5 1.2.1 The need and means for employee motivation 5 1.2.2 Significance of employee motivation in organisational success 6 1.3. Background for this study 7 1.3.1 Rationale for this research 7 1.4 Aims and objectives 7 1.5 Hypotheses 8 1.6 Research Questions 8 1.7 Scope and Limitations 8 1.8 Summary 8 Chapter 2 --Literature review 10 2.1. Introduction 10 2.2. Theoretical perspectives on employee motivation 10 2.2.1 Theoretical standpoints 11 2.2.2. Other impressions on employee motivation 13 2.3 Types of motivation 14 2.4. Factors impacting motivation 15 2.5. Impact of employee motivation 16 2.6. Summary 17 Chapter 3 -- Methodology 19 3.1 Introduction 19 3.2 Research design 19 3.2.1 Semi-structured interv iews 20 3.2.2. Survey questionnaire and design 20 3.3 Population and sample size. 21 3.3.1 Semi structured interviews 21 3.3.2 Survey questionnaire 22 3.4 Data collection and method of assessment 22 3.4.1 Semi-structured interviews 23 3.4.2 Survey questionnaire 23 3.5 Validity, reliability and generalisability of the methods 24 3.5.1 Semi-structured interviews 24 3.5.2 Survey questionnaire 25 3.6 Ethical considerations 25 3.7 Reference to previous research 26 3.8 Summary 26 Chapter 4â€â€Findings and Results 27 4.1. Introduction 27 4.2 Qualitative research : Findings and results 27 4.2.1. Semi-structured interviews with staff: findings and interpretations 27 4.2.2. Responses from supervisors/managers 29 4.3. Limitations of semi-structured interviews 33 4.4. Quantitative research: Findings and results 33 4.4.1 Hypothesis testing using Chi-square test 33 4.4.2. Percentage calculations 34 4.5 Pareto analysis 35 4.6. Summary 35 Chapter 5 -- Discussion. 35 5.1 Introduction 36 5.2 Retu rning to aims and objectives of this research 36 5.3 Hypotheses testing 36 5.4 Analysing qualitative and quantitative information 37 5.5 Pareto analysis 48 5.6. Summary 48 Chapter 6 – Conclusions and Recommendations 50 6.1 Introduction 50 6.2 Answers to research questions 50 6.3 Conclusions from overall research 51 6.4 Limitations and drawbacks of this research 51 6.5 Recommendations for supervisors/managers 52 6.6 Final conclusion and propositions for future research 53 Chapter 7 – References and Appendices 54 Chapter 1--An Overview 1.1 Introduction: This chapter presents an overview of the research to be
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
National Museum of the Philippines Essay Example for Free
National Museum of the Philippines Essay Located at Padre Burgos Street, Manila City, sat the two branches of The National Museum of the Philippinesthe National Gallery of Art and the Museum of the Filipino People, where we went first. As we enter the hallway that leads to the first floor exhibits, we were greeted by a native Nipa hut complete with things that our ancestors used in the past. That same floor also houses the San Diego wreck site though it is a restricted area. We then went up to the next floor where it features the coming of the Spaniard merchant vessels in our country, our contacts with the other countries in terms of trade and commerce, as well as the Linnaeus and the Linnaeans. At the third floor, there were three galleries: The Origin (Pinagmulan), where it presents information on the origin of the Philippines and its people. It retold the story of how the Filipinos lived during the four pre-historic periodPaleolithic; Neolithic; Metal; and Ceramic Age. The second gallery is the Filipinos Today (Kinahinatnan), which features the diversion of our culture because of the influences of different countries and how colorful and beautiful it is. The last gallery is the Archaeological Treasures (Kaban ng Lahi), that showcases the burial jar collection and the importance of burial practice. The last floor was divided into two galleries. First one is the Kisame: Visions of Earth on Heaven that exhibits tons of photographs of ceiling paintings from Bohol colonial churches. It obviously displayed the religiosity of the Filipinos. The last gallery is all about the Biodiversity Exhibit, which shows the various flora and fauna in the country. After a couple of hours in the Museum of the Filipino People, we headed to National Gallery of Art. Although it is under renovation, it still welcomed visitors for free! The first gallery is called â€Å"The Hall of Masters†as it features the works of 19th century Filipino painters, Juan Luna and Felix Hidalgo. The main attraction is the very famous Spolarium by Luna and opposite to it is Hidalgo’s â€Å"The Assasination of Governor Bustamante and his son†. As we move to the second floor, there is the fantastic Bones Exhibit. It displayed the skeletal remains of different animalsâ€â€from mammals (including that of a human) to reptiles, to crustaceans and birdsâ€â€that can be seen in the Philippines. At the center of the gallery is the humongous bone of a juvenile sperm whale. The last gallery on the third floor features the clothing of native Filipinos, and how it was made. REACTION: It was actually my first time to visit these museums and I was really glad that I already had the chance to. Although we spent almost five hours around the museum, I personally regret nothing. Every bit is worth the time. Seeing all those exhibits renewed my nationalistic heart and I’m more proud now to be a Filipino, realizing that we have tons of artistic countrymen and that there works are worthy of admirations. I’m also more aware now of our culture and how colorful it really is. I was really happy to see how our ancestors lived and how it evolved to our current lifestyle. I realized that why patronize foreign culture if you have your own that is way fun, right?
Monday, January 20, 2020
The early petroleum industry in the US :: essays research papers
The Early Petroleum Industry in the United States Ancient Egyptians used bitumen for embalming, the Assyrians used it in building, the Chinese for heating and lighting, and for centuries fishermen have used it to make their boats watertight. Naturally, man being what he is, was not content to let well alone, and soon petra- oleum (rock oil) and its associated products were being used in many delightful ways to cripple and annihilate his fellow men. The famous "Green Fire" was used in various forms for many centuries once it became known that when a mixture of petroleum and ground quicklime is exposed to moisture spontaneous combustion takes place. The flaming mixture thus produced was thrown by a pump mounted on the prow of a warship and the consequent havoc wrought on the enemy's ships can easily be imagined. Then oddly enough, the ancients knowledge of the properties of petroleum seemed to fall into abeyance and during the Middle Ages, and up to the beginning of the 19th century, petroleum was only remembered for its medicinal uses. It was to capitalize on this use that an American, Samuel Kier, decided to bottle the oil that seeped into his father's brine wells. He put it up in half pint bottles and advertised it as containing wonderful medical virtues. Another American George H. Bissell, saw his advertisement but was interested in oil for other reasons so, together with a friend, he leased 105 acres of farmland, near Titusville, Pennsylvania, paying $5,000 dollars for a 99 year lease. So in 1854 the first oil lease was granted. Having obtained the land, which he was fairly certain covered oil deposits, Bissell commissioned Edwin & Drake to drill a well for him. Drake did so and struck oil on August 27th, 1859. The first oil well had been sunk and a great industry had been born. Within a few months of the completion of the Drakwell, oil wells were being sunk all over the United States and within two years the country was exporting great quantities of oil. Simple distillation of seep and salt well oil was being carried out in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by Samuel Kier who built a one-barrel still. He was buying crude by the gallon. Later Kier made a still of five-barrel capacity. These two stills for treating crude oil constituted the first commercial refinery in America. The five-barrel apparatus of Kier has survived and is in the Drake Well Museum.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Principles of Conditioning
Needs and drives, what exactly are they and what do they have to do with dogs/dog training? A need or drive is a type of motivation that describes the behaviors dogs show during training. Needs can be something as obvious as water or food, all the way to behaviors that serve no clear physical need at all (ex play behavior). Dog training is all about arranging matters so the dog’s yearnings are met when they perform the desired action. Before any of this can take place you must ensure all of the dog’s primary needs are met. The dog needs to be in a healthy state, be happy, and have a good emotional connection to the trainer, also known as rapport. There are two types of drives, primary and secondary. Primary drives are the drives that are a necessity for ensuring your dog stays alive and healthy (i. e. thirst and hunger). If these drives are not met it can lead to injury or death. Secondary drives include all of the motivations that make a dog behave the way it does. They are not as necessary for the life and health of a dog, but are still very important. 1) Primary drives: ) Oxygen: i) Quite simply, the dog needs oxygen to survive. Many things your dog does increase the oxygen that they consume, which results in panting. Panting is also a way that your dog expels excess heat. Heavy panting can interfere with the sense of smell (olfactory). b) Thirst: ii) The need for water. It’s important to maintain your dog’s hydration level so it does not interfere with training. Also water cannot be u sed as a reward for the dog. c) Hunger: iii) Just like oxygen and water, food is also a very important part in keeping your dog happy and healthy. Though, unlike water food can be used as a reward, normally in the form of a treat. The dog should not eat if it has recently been doing intense physical activity, particularly in hot conditions. d) Drive to avoid pain and discomfort: iv) Dogs are a very intelligent species and learn very quickly, especially when there is a pain factor involved. They will avoid performing actions that they have learned cause them pain. Thus why handlers will inflict a type of discomfort when the dog disobeys or performs an action incorrectly. I. e. f you command the dog to sit but they ignore, or perform an incorrect action the handler will give a physical correction (command avoidance) that inflict pain upon the dog. In this process the dog is learning that if it does not sit like it has been taught it will be corrected (punished). Before you can use this type of training you must ensure that the dog knows the desired response. 2) Secondary drives: e) Socialization: v) This is basically the same as the dogs pack drive. One of the dog’s strongest drives is to have a social relationship with other dogs or humans. It needs to be a stable relationship in which the dog trusts or has affection for it’s companion. Though this is not an instantly created bond, it is extremely important for the handler to build rapport with the dog. Walking, feeding, grooming, or just playing with the dog for a period of time can build this relationship. Building rapport is very important to the successfulness of the team. Socialization is made up of two sub-types, alpha and beta. (1) Alpha is what the dog initially wants to be. It’s instinct for dogs to want to have supremacy or dominance in a relationship. 2) Beta is when the dog is submissive, and allows others to be in control and dominant. This is what you want your dog to be as a handler. This is because the dog will show willingness or motivation to please the handler by completing actions that the handler commands. f) Play socialization: vi) Play socialization does not clearly serve any important needs, but it is important to incorporate fun pl ay into the relationship between handler and dog. g) Prey drive: vii) This is the dog’s natural instinct to attack, bite, and carry anything the dog sees as prey. This can be another animal or object. What a dog would do to a rabbit, can be initiated by throwing a ball in most circumstances. This predatory instinct is very important in dog training, especially in controlled aggression. h) Aggression: viii) This includes any behaviors such as biting, growling, and fighting when used to compete with others for resources (food/water) or to protect them selves when felt threatened. Dominant, defensive, and pain-elicited aggression are all a vital role in motivating dogs in patrol training or rewarding them with a bite.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Proposal Speech Sample
It is crucially important to propose to a beloved one in an original and romantic way in order to make this significant moment unforgettable and unique. Therefore, the words the person says and the actions one takes ought to be thoroughly considered and properly prepared. A proposal speech sample is an example of how to ask for someone’s hand in marriage and to make this offer highly emotional and passionate. Nonetheless, a proposal speech sample does not have any formal requirements or a strictly defined structure, so everyone has an absolute freedom to choose what to tell and how. The moment I saw you for the very first time will be stuck into my memory till the end of the days because it was the evening when the course of my life radically changed its direction. I remember you joyfully dancing at the birthday party of my sister, and your smiling eyes grabbed my attention for the whole evening. I keep in the sanctuary of my heart every minute we shared because from the first moment I was totally overwhelmed by you. I was so proud to make you meet my family because I was certainly sure that they would love you. However, when I saw you playing with my niece, I understood that you are the one I want to share every day of my entire life with. I do not know how it had been possible to live without your support and cheerfulness, without listening to you singing and watching you dancing when you think nobody sees. I love dreaming with you because you understand me as nobody would ever understand. I love being ill if I know that you will be near and take care of me. You encourage me to get up every morning, to do great deeds for you, and to constantly become better. You are my inspiration, my motivation, and my desirous goal. You know like nobody what is a happiness and where it is hidden. We both want to have a colorful and memorable life, and together we can make our dreams come true. You are the perfect person to be: my friend my advisor my teacher my travel companion mother of my future children my wife I promise to do everything I only can to be a perfect match for you and to become a husband you deserve. I want to become your happily-ever-after, and I will do my best for your incredible smile to never fade. You are the greatest and the most precious gift given to me by this life, so I wish the whole world knew about my infinite and limitless love for you. I am looking forward to the day when my last name will become ours, and our love will give a birth to a new family. You are the one I want to be for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer. My voice is trembling, and my heart beats at a furious pace since I hope you will say me yes and make me the luckiest man on Earth. My heart, will you marry me?
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