Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide - 1102 Words
Throughout the 1600s to the mid 1990s, the Tutsi tribe in Rwanda, and the Hutu tribe of Rwanda have always been arch enemies. Although the Hutus have had a prolonged hate for the Tutsi tribe, this hate was not physically expressed, until 1994. From April to July of 1994, over 80,000 Tutsi people were murdered and tortured for their African heritage. The Rwanda genocide is considered to be one of the worst massacres the world has ever seen since the Holocaust. This paper will touch a few things that occurred after the massacre, and will also answer the questions of why this massacre started, what occurred during this genocide. The Rwandan genocide was a massacre based off of discrimination and hatred for a specific tribal group. This†¦show more content†¦Over 300,000 Tutsis were forced to leave Rwanda and never return. In 1961 the Hutus wanted more of the Tutsi population gone. In an effort to show their strength and domination over the Tutsis, the Hutus pushed the Rwandan r uler, who was a Tutsi, into exile and forced him to declare Rwanda as a Republic. In 1962, a year after this declaration was made Belgium finally gave Rwanda its independence. After this, the Hutu people stopped harming and forcing Tutsi citizens or officials into doing what they wanted them to do, until 1994. IV. Now that Rwanda had independence, the Tutsis began to take over and have important roles in the Rwandan society, because they were the most educated and organized tribal group in Rwanda. Since important roles in government were automatically given to Tutsis, because they were strongest and most educated tribal group, jealousy and distinctive hatred began to develop in the Hutus, against the Tutsis. V. Right before the genocide, Habyarimana, the president of Rwanda, signed a treaty with Arusha, Tanzania which allowed a sharing in power. This new power agreement made by a Tutsi president angered the Hutus, because it took away the little power they had. After this treaty was made known to the public, the major Rwanda genocide actually began. †¨ VI. The first murder that started this genocide was the assassination of Habyarimana. This murder was a signal to the government inShow MoreRelatedThe Genocide Of The Rwandan Genocide Essay1711 Words  | 7 PagesThe Rwandan Genocide took place in 1994 and involved members of the Hutu mass killing Tutsi and Tutsi sympathizers who were Hutu. The genocide resulted in the deaths of around 800,000 people, majority Tutsi. The separation of classes came from Belgian internationals creating the two ethnic classes and giving power to the Tutsi who were taller and had lighter skin, and generally appeared more European. 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The Genocide began on April 6, 1994 and was, â€Å"initiated by the Hutu political elite and extremists and its military support, their prime targets were the Tutsi, as well as Hutu moderates.†(Hain 2) The Hutu made up majority of the population and government officials and enforced a government-ass isted militaryRead MoreThe Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide866 Words  | 4 PagesThe Rwandan genocide occurred during the period of April to July of 1994. This genocide was as a result of the Hutu ethnic majority slaughtering the Tutsi minority. During this period as much as 800,000 Tutsis were killed. The genocide was started by Hutu extremists in the capital of Kigali and the genocide soon spread across the country. Despite all of this there were several survivors of the genocide. Immaculee Ilibagiza is one of those people. Immaculee Ilibagiza was born in 1972. 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According to the Oxford dictionary, genocide is defined as â€Å"the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular nation or ethnic group.†Although it may be hard to believe, genocides have occurred all over the world and all throughout time. There have been well documented genocides such as the Holocaust. Additionally, there have also been genocides that have barelyRead MoreThe Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide1637 Words  | 7 PagesWith over eight hundred thousand to one million deaths, the Rwandan genocide is undoubtedly one of the most sad and shocking examples of the lack of intervention by not only the US and the UN, but by other countries as well. The ongoing tensions between the Hutu, the largest population in Rwanda, and the Tutsi, the smaller and more elite population is what eventually lead to the Rwandan genocide. The killings began quickly after President Habyarimana s plane was shot down. After hundreds of thousandsRead MoreThe Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide882 Words  | 4 PagesThe Rwandan Genocide was one of the most horrific acts of genocide since the Holocaust during World War II. Las ting only one hundred days it claimed the lives of over 800,000 people and had lasting effects on global civilization to this day. Even though the world had been consumed by many travesties before, the Rwandan Genocide exposed that violent human injustices on a grand scale could still happen regardless of the advancements made within â€Å"global society†. Decades of internal conflict withinRead MoreThe Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide1382 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"When you start to see another human being as less than you, it s a danger.†-Immaculee Ilibagiza. In 1994, a mass genocide broke out in Rwanda, a small country in Africa. The genocide occurred between the two ethnic groups where the Hutus were targeting the tutsis. The Rwandan genocide, ranking in the top five largest genocides in the world, was caused because of the resentment the hutus had towards the tutsis and was even more instigated by media and outsiders causing differences between the twoRead Mo reThe Rwandan Genocide And The Genocide1393 Words  | 6 PagesThe Rwandan Genocide was one of the most violent genocides in the history of the world and was intricately planned and implemented by the ethnic group called the Hutu in an attempt to eliminate another, the Tutsis. Though the genocide lasted only one hundred days, the number of deaths is estimated to be approximately 800,000. In the wake of the genocide, mass chaos plagued the country of Rwanda, deepening the divide between the groups Hutu and Tutsi. Although it can be said the genocide was caused
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